New Grocery Rebate Eligibility and Payment Changes 2024? Know Full Details

As inflation is rising due to the recent pandemic and current wildfire in the country, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) aims to give financial assistance to needy citizens. For instance, the citizens benefit from many monthly aid programs that include the Canada Pension Plan (CPP), Old Age Security (OAS), Canada Child Benefit (CCB), and many more. As you all know, food prices the rising each year resulting in a foremost purpose behind financial hardships faced by millions of Canadian citizens. As a consequence, the Canadian government implemented the Canada Grocery Rebate which aims to provide financial support so that the citizens can afford a healthier diet and nutritious food. Through this blog, you will be able to learn about the New Grocery Rebate whether it is coming or not including its eligibility criteria and the maximum payment amount you can receive. Continue reading this post, so that you cannot miss any updates.

New Canada Grocery Rebate 2024

Since food prices are rising each year, it became a financial complication to afford a healthier diet and nutritious food even after spending a handsome amount of monthly income. To prevent this cause, the Canadian government implemented the one-time Canada Grocery Rebate as part of budget 2023. It was equivalent to double the GST/HST credit amount that a citizen received in January 2023. The CRA had set certain guidelines for the claimants to qualify for the one-time payment. The payment was out on 5th July 2023 through a direct deposit to the respective bank accounts of the recipients. However, the payment amount differed which is calculated as per the family situation of an individual in January 2023. Thus, it is advised to check the eligibility criteria before applying for the grocery rebate.

Even though the coronavirus is stable the food prices are still higher as compared to before the pandemic. Ever since the one-time grocery rebate payment was out in July 2023, millions of citizens have been hoping for a new grocery rebate program since a 4% rise in food prices is estimated. Nonetheless, neither the Canadian government nor the CRA has made any official confirmation regarding a new grocery rebate coming in 2024. But you can expect the one-time rebate to arrive anytime in September  since the previous payment was out in July last year. We advised the beneficiaries to keep updated with the latest news via CRA and not rely on any web portals that are claiming false speculations regarding a new grocery rebate coming in 2024. For more information, you can also visit the official website of the Canada Revenue Agency.

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New Grocery Rebate Overview 2024

Post Title New Grocery Rebate Eligibility and Payment Changes
Country Canada
Department Canada Revenue Agency
Category Government aid
Applicable for Low-income citizens
Payment amount $234 to $628
Year 2024
Official website

Eligibility Criteria for Canada Grocery Rebate

Even though the department has not made any official confirmation regarding the new grocery rebate coming in 2024, still you must be aware of the eligibility requirements to qualify for the one-time rebate if the CRA implements it. I have provided the eligibility criteria in the following points:

  • A person must be a citizen and a permanent resident of Canada.
  • A person must be receiving GST/HST credits.
  • A person must have filed their tax returns of previous years.
  • In the month before the CRA makes the quarterly payment, a person must be 19 years old or above. If you are not 19 years old, then you must meet one of the following conditions:
    • You have or had a spouse or common-law partner.
    • You are or were a parent and live or lived with your child.

Canada New Grocery Rebate

How Much Can You Get Under Canada Grocery Rebate?

As mentioned before, the Canada grocery rebate program was double of GST/HST credit and the payment amount to be distributed was calculated as per your family situation in January 2024. For instance, your payment will differ if you are married and applying jointly as compared to the person who is applying as an individual. In addition, some children in your household will also play a key role in determining your rebate amount. I have provided the payment details that you can claim as per the data of the 2023 Canada Grocery Rebate in the following table:

For an eligible individual:

Children Payment amount
No children $234
With one child $387
With two children $467
With three children $548
With four children $628

For a married couple

Children Payment amount
No children $306
With one child $387
With two children $467
With three children $548
With four children $628

NOTE: It is advised to the beneficiaries that the abovementioned data regarding the payment amount is based on the 2023 grocery rebate. The payment amount for 2024 will not be finalized until the CRA makes an official announcement.

Canada New Grocery Rebate 2024 Fact Checks

Recently, several websites have been making claims that a new grocery rebate is coming for low-income households in September 2024. However, the CRA has not made any official announcement regarding any new on-time grocery rebate, and all this news circulating on online portals is considered false. It is advised to the citizens to stay updated with the latest news and not rely on any early estimations made by unreliable websites and social media platforms. For more information, you can also visit the official website of the Canada Revenue Agency.

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